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Showing posts from 2019

October half term.

So we haven’t really been up to much. We decided to start up a YouTube channel based on all things parent related. Lilly absolutely loves the time we all get to spend by making videos! Ollie and I are both on annual leave from work so we have much more time to be able to actually spend with the children and make more memories. Below are some photos of us making our videos ( yes I know we using our phones) but we still get great clips from them after all it is all just for fun. I will leave a link below for you all to be able to watch our videos just bare in mind that I have only uploaded 1 trailer video so far! We have been having some lazy days, as well as making our videos and just simply eating so much food! This week we are going to be doing some arts and crafts and of course more exercises and less screen time! These are just some photos during the recording of our videos. This was when we was at our local park ( it got super hot!)  Zachar

My journey into motherhood

My journey into motherhood started in 2010 when I first found out I was pregnant with my first baby I was only 19 years old I was still at college doing pretty good. I always said I never wanted children because I wanted to focus on myself as I was always career minded (at the time) but I fell pregnant and I still continued on with college until it got to much so I dropped out only until my daughter was one years old. during my pregnancy I was constantly being referred to the consultants because they kept telling me my baby was only going to be 2LB 2OZ at birth because I just kept losing weight (no medical reason to why) I ate like a pig! so at 37 weeks I was induced and on 20th April 2011 12:07pm my little bundle of joy made her grand painful entrance into the world weighing in at 5LB 9OZ!! can I just add I honestly thought the good lord was splitting me into 2 my daughters birth has got to of been the most horrendous birth in the history of horrendous births EVER. still 8 years lat